Satisfaction Guaranteed

We understand when ordering online it can sometimes be daunting. Especially when you can’t see a finished product before you purchase.
Our aim is to take all the risk off you and onto ourselves so we can make it an easy decision for you to use us for your next order.
This is our 100% guarantee…
“If we supply you work that is anything other than the proof you approve then we will replace it at our own expense.”
So let us take all the risk to show you how easy it is to do business with us.
See What Our Clients Have To Say
Hi Dee!

Just wanted to send a quick email to say thanks for all your help getting our cast shirts ready for the Revengers, it was a resounding success and the shirts are super awesome, everyone loves them. We'd love to offer
you guys tickets to our shows in future, our next production is in October and we would love to see you all there!
We'll be in touch for shirts for our next show soon!
Love working with you as always,
Cam Butler
UWA Pantomime Society
Web: https://www.facebook.com/uwapanto/
Hi Natasha,
You and your team recently completed a low qty rush print run of t’shirts for a group I am a member of; thank you.
The shirts went down a treat and I came up smelling of roses...
so whenever I or anyone I know needs t’shirts printed (or similar) I will without hesitation recommend The Fabric Printer.
Tim Lofthouse
Everyone loves them!

We constantly get people coming up to us and asking about us when we wear our merchandise,
it's actually incredible.
Also have had plenty of people commenting on how professional our merchandise looks so we have you guys to thank for that bigtime!
Zohaib Qazi
Treasurer, Electronic Music Appreciation Society UWA
“We love our new shirts printed for us by The Fabric Printer. It was so easy to
organise, the guys took all the hard work out of it for us and not to mention they
were delivered really quick!”
Thanks Hayle Mayne
Hi Anthony,
everyone is super jealous and all want one.
The Brewers we stoked with the hoodies, the quality and fit was perfect.
Brett Shore
Packaging Manager
Little Creatures Brewing
Hi Anthony,

The moment I walked in the door, I knew this company was going to solve my problems. Who said WA = wait awhile! Not with these guys. They are friendly, extremely knowledgeable and great to work with.
Thank you James, Anthony and the team at The Fabric Printer, you took my new brand, looked after it and ensured a wonderful production of the first logo.
Vivienne Elder-Smith
Strategies for Business
Hi Anthony,
Just wanted to say thanks for a job well done; delivered on time and they all look great.
The guys are wrapped with the final products.
Thanks again
Mark Coppini
Design Manager – Marketing Services and Analytics
Royal Automobile Club of WA (inc.)
Hi Daniel,
Just wanted to say Thanks to you and the staff for organizing the bucks party shirts so efficiently. They guys were very impressed on how well they turned out, they were tip top!
We survived Bangkok! We are likely to require more shirts for next years reunion tour lol!
Timothy Clark
Thankyou for providing such outstanding service once again. The beer was cold, the company entertaining and the room temperature was to my liking. Oh yeah, and the shirts are great too. You're all a bit fabulous. Xxx
Karmen Adairya
And another one to show the back with the names & numbers. We asked for bright green, and you can't get much greener than this!!!
Jenna FreydaNuffin Bigg
These guys are amazing. We just love these guys. The Fabric Printers have made all the WARD shirts you own... and we know you own a few ;) They don't complain about our last minute orders, advise us on artwork, come to our bouts and now have become the printer of choice for loads of derby girls across the state... legends :)
WA Roller Derby
Love the 1st run of Red Tiki Ts I just picked up! THANK U ♥ — with Boz Sayers and 3 others.
Ella Worth (Ella Sayers-Anderson)
You guys, oooo ♥ you guys!!
Mum got the parcel today and threw it to me. I was trembling with "oh holy shit, my shirt!". RIPPED it open and one shirt fell out of the other...
I was like.. What is going on?! :O! Did my shirt fall apart?
Then I realized..
Eeeeeee! :3 so many memories came back when I put on my shirt, and it fits wonderfully!!
Top quality printing! Well worth the price! Thank you all so much once again!! You guys, ♥ my heroes.
Krystina Stol
Thanks for the NAVY City to Surf singlets made in express time guys. They look awesome. Stand by for the photo's. Cheers again to the team at FABRIC PRINTER.
Jay Sri Kantha